La división de los Mundos (An-Ki-Absu-Kur), según la cosmología sumeria. Aunque suene extraño, esta división se asemeja a otras elaboradas en distintas civilizaciones del orbe así como también a las últimas teorías científicas modernas surgidas en los siglos XIX-XXI, desde las propuestas de Poincaré, Hörbiger, Koch, Mandelbrot y Lorenz hasta las llamadas «estructuras a gran escala» y las proposiciones de Boulton-Takra, quien afirma en inglés: "There cannot be an End of Greatness and/or an End of Emptiness since Heaven is boundless, immeasurable, incredibly impenetrable and mystifying. Our relative World has unending cycles of greatness of 24 billion years –from Big Bang to Big Bang- divided in 3 periods of 8 billion years each with absolutely contrasting motions, one contracting and obscure; another, expanding and lit; and a third one, in suspended animation and ethereal or Pralaya-like. We still have to finish our second lap (16 billion years), now at 13,73 billion years approximately, leading to subtlety and the superhuman, whose reality some of us will begin to feel soon (December 21, 2012). Our relative Universe has 8 contrasting cycles of 12 billion light years. Its diameter measures 96 billion light years. The biorhythm of a relative World or Universe is anchored in the pendular, oscillating Law of Yin-Yang. It travels at speeds far beyond that of our solar light, based on the findings of Albert Einstein, akin to a superconscious living tissue of godlike and godsend DNA-RNA TIAN (Ti, for titanium, and life, in sumerian), similar to the famous rib bone of Adam, Primeval Man-Woman (Ma/An: as made by Ma or Ninhursag and An), from whom Earthlings and other creatures more or less alike descend. The geometric-mathematical base of our Cosmos is 12, just as there were 12 Titans ruling in the legendary Golden Age in Greek mythology and the Primordial Tree of Life had 12 branches, fruits and flowers. Most probably, a lofty coniferous in winter and a darling palm in summer." Adaptación gráfica de Juan Jacomet (Gotesan). 2008.
Crédito: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imagen:Cosmologia_sumeria.png